Friday 1 February 2013

Jokes in Queen’s English – I’m broke!

There was this student in one university years back. There was a point in time he was sending several messages home, ‘I’m broke.’ Even when he receives some money from home, the messages kept coming soon after. The father was worried, ‘How come Junior is always asking for money these days?’ He decided to pay his son a surprise visit in school. When he got to the son’s accommodation, he met the son and the son's girlfriend slaughtering chicken. The father was surprised, ‘Son, I thought you said you are broke.’
Son: ‘Dad, you won’t understand. I’m really broke. I bought this on credit.’
Father: ‘Understand what? At home, we've not had a meal with chicken for a long time. So, this is how you spend your money. Make sure this chicken serves you for a long time. You won’t be receiving any money from me any soon.’
Son: ‘I will stop going to school, then.’
Father: ‘That’s even better. At least, then, we will be sharing the same meals. Enjoy this while it last.’

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