Thursday 23 May 2013

Jokes – Benue man and Alcohol!

I am from Sapele, Delta State, and from Sapele comes the term ‘Sapele water.’ ‘Sapele water’ stands for the local alcoholic gin. So, it would follow that people from Sapele drink a lot of alcohol. When I came to Benue, I realized that calling alcohol or local gin, ‘Sapele water’ is a misnomer. It should be called, ‘Benue water’ with all due respects. Please, let's give honour to whom honour is due. Why?

1.  In Benue, beer parlours are everywhere and the alcohol flows like ‘pure’ water.
2. In other places, beer parlours open in the evening and night. In Benue, they open 24/7. In the morning and afternoon, the doors are open and the chairs are permanently arranged. No break. No diurnal variation if you know what I mean.
3.In Benue, neighbours who sell alcohol don’t compete for customers. They know that there are more than enough customers to go round… etc.

One Benue man went for an interview in Lagos. This guy drinks alcohol at breakfast, lunch, dinner, before bed and when he wakes up. He even dreams of drinking alcohol in his sleep. This guy took along road trip to Lagos. While he was waiting for his turn, he dozed off. There were many other people around him waiting as well. Before long, this guy started dreaming and he was saying out loud, ‘Madame, another round… Please! Madame, please, another round.’ The guy sitting next to him tapped him, ‘Guy, wake up, wake up. You want another round of what? .... By the way, you are next in line for the interview.’

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