Wednesday 8 May 2013

Jokes – Dates!

There was this young Nigerian man. Let’s call him John. He had a student visa to study in the US. Before he traveled, he remembered the words of his father, ‘It’s better to learn from the mistakes of others, and not your own.’ So, he made some research into the pitfalls of Nigerians who travel abroad and the pitfalls of other black men in America and he was determined not to be a victim.

When he got to US, in school, he met a very attractive young lady who had interest in him.

The lady asked him out. In response, John said, ‘I’m sorry; I can’t go out with you because of what happened in April 3, 2006.’

Another day, he got a call from the lady late in the night. She invited John over to her place saying she had some troubles. John said, ‘Please, I can’t because of what happened on Feb 10, 1992.’

Yet another day, she invited him for a party. He declined. Reason... ‘What happened on August 2, 1999?’

Frustrated, the lady asked him to explain what happened on those dates?

He said:

‘On April 3, 2006, Chinagorom Onuoha aka African China, a popular Nigerian musician was granted bail after been arrested and charged for rape in London.

On Feb 10, 1992, Mike Tyson was convicted of rape.

August 2, 1999, Celestine Babayaro, a popular Nigerian football star was cleared of indecent assault charge after been so accused.

I don’t want to repeat their mistakes.’

The lady laughed: ‘Those people were famous and rich. You don’t have a dime on you, knock-head!’

Some weeks later, John was broke and he did not get the money he was expecting from home. So, he went up to the lady and asked for a loan. The lady said, ‘I can’t help you because of what happened on November 1, 2010.’

Yet, John persisted. He pleaded with the lady that he was going to pay back. The lady agreed to give him the loan on one condition: Don’t let what happened in December 1, 2010 to repeat itself. John asked what happened on those dates. She said:

‘On November 1, 2010, my ex-boyfriend collected money from me with a promise to pay back. Instead of paying up, he ran off with my money. Well, on December 1, 2010, I traced him to where he ran off to and I shot him dead. I’ve not told anyone else except you. I was not arrested or charged; the police ruled it as suicide. You see, i'm very good at what i do. A trial will convince you.’

What happened next? Did he collect that money? Should he? Watch out, May 29, 2013.

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