Friday 16 November 2012

Do! Do! Do! (It’s meant to be funny; if you don’t find it funny, that’s on you.)

Poor man! Let’s call him John. He woke up one morning and set out for work. He met his neighbour as he walked along. ‘Good morning!’
Neighbour replied: ‘Hello, how do you do?’

When he got to work, he greeted his co-worker. The co-worker replied:
‘Hello, you look dull. Did you sleep at all? What did you do?’

When he closed from work, he paid his best friend a visit. Jane has been a close friend for years and has been expecting her guy to man up and take their friendship to the next level. So, on this fateful day, Jane raised the issue again:
“You know we are not getting younger. All our mates are now married. Please, when are we going to say, ‘I do.’?”

John thought to himself:
‘How come every one is saying ‘do,’ ‘do,’ ‘do.’ today? Well, it’s night time. I’m done for today. Let me go to bed.’

While asleep, he had a dream. In his dream, a mad man was running after him with a cutlass. John was running as fast as he could all the while screaming, ‘What did I do? What did I do? What did I do?’ The mad man replied in a song:
‘Do me, I do you oh, o yeah! I nor run anymore. If I dey run before oh, I nor run anymore. If you do me, I go do you. Face me, I go face you. Rock me, I go rock you.’
John: ‘I nor do you anything oh.’ ‘I nor do nothing oh.’
Mad man: ‘You come knock on my door oh. E don happen oh. The thing wen you dey find oh, you go see am oh.’
John stepped on something and fell down. The mad man closed in on him and raised the cutlass to strike. At that moment, John woke up.

He suddenly realized he was having a nightmare. He shouted:
‘Wetin I do when you love me so. Jesus I love you oh, wellu wellu. Eh eh en, wellu wellu.’

Please, let’s call him John Dodo or John Doe. That’s it. I’m done.

Thursday 15 November 2012


My contemporaries:

Please, accept my heartfelt pleasantries.

I reminisce with happy memories

Of a time etched in personal diaries;

Those days at students’ halls and dormitories!

I’ve been with amazing visionaries,

Walked with men of great braveries

And competed with noble adversaries!

Comrades now spread to different countries.

On social media entries,

I hear remarkable commentaries,

Heartfelt stories

Of worthy luminaries!

My soul is filled with songs of heavenly canaries

As lovely imageries

Course through my cerebral capillaries,

And my heart glow like diamond jewelries!

Oh, may we find the time to maintain old chemistries;

The bonds of great chivalries!

As we make great strides and discoveries,

Serve as worthy ambassadors and dignitaries,

Fall in love and build family sanctuaries,

Let’s watch the calories,

Be wary of the lure of luxuries and revelries

And pray for divine favour and victories;

Long life and many more anniversaries!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

My Reflections – Collections of My Short Sayings!

- I don't need to know so much about you. I know enough: you are human!
- I don't need to know so much about you. I know enough: you are a human being!
- Everyone makes mistakes. If you don't appreciate this fact, you're making a mistake.
- I can not presume to know exactly what difficulties you are going through but I know enough: life is tough. So, take heart people!
‎- The noisy neighbour is not the one with the most problems; rather he is just the one who can't keep his problems in-house.
‎- If it has happened once before, then by all means, it can happen again. There is nothing as potent as 'it has never ever happened before.'
‎- Fear is like steam from a boiling kettle. If you keep the kettle boiling long enough, the steam will get exhausted; in its place an eerie fearless calm!
‎- What makes a man wise is not so much as in knowing what to do but knowing when best to do it. In most cases, many know the right thing to do, but what makes some wise is doing the right thing at the best time.
‎- It's the height of hypocrisy to ask others to make a sacrifice that you're not willing to share in. True leaders take the lead charge.
‎- If you look at me long and hard enough, you'll surely recognize me from somewhere because, eh, I’m a human being like 7 billion others.
‎- There are songs you won't appreciate except you listen to them over and over again. In the same light, there are people whose worth you won't appreciate except you observe their actions again and again. Never be in a hurry to dismiss people we relate with.
‎- People who go out of their way and use their own hands to dig trouble for others might end up digging their own grave in the process.
‎- You should not bully people into doing what you think is right, because you might just succeed in intimidating them to do the very opposite.
‎- The language of success flows seamlessly from the mouth of a successful man. But he, who is unsuccessful, stutters in his words. If you're struggling to find the right words anytime you want to offer counsel of success, don't waste your energy. Go and be successful in your way, and you'll gain the right oratory!
‎- I often wonder why fraudsters use the same tactics and tricks over and over and over again. Then I thought, 'because it still works'. Even when conmen change tactics, there is one human element that will not change: Greed.
- If you don't want to get lost in a crowded market place, walk in a straight path.
‎- When you keep telling others lies about yourself, after a while you'll begin to believe the lies yourself and your life becomes a lie, a mirage so to speak. The worst kind of deception is self-deceit.
‎- When crossing a busy road, it's not how fast your feet can run, but how fast your brain can think.
‎- If you spend your whole life doing what other people tell you, you would have lived another person's life and completely miss out on your own life. If your decisions in life are solely based on what other people want or desire from you, rather than your own personal convictions, you'll be mistaken and regretful.
‎- All I ask for is respect, not acceptance. I ask for understanding, not agreement. I ask for maturity, not seniority. I ask for common reasoning, not intelligence. I ask for love, not pity. I ask for friends, not competitors. I ask for me, not the ‘you’ in me.
‎- The extreme of wickedness is abject foolishness. Horrendously wicked acts bear the handiwork of a foolish man.
‎- It's never too early to prepare for an exam, test or trial, but it can be too late to do so.

Everyone Changes!

We live in a universe that is ever-changing. Everything around us changes. Look at the leaves of the trees around us. Their colours change with the seasons. Look at the animals. They are changing. From the day they were born till the day they die, they undergo constant changes. What about the heavenly bodies: the stars. They undergo change in size, position, and some even get absorbed in giant ‘Black holes’. Our earth is always changing its position and is in constant motion. Man, an intelligent being, is not except from this wave of change. We change in form, from infancy to old age; in behaviour, from innocent curious kids to much more responsible adults; in knowledge, in beliefs, in love and romance, in friendships and in our complex interrelationships with fellow humans and other terrestrial and extraterrestrial entities in this universe. The question is: are we conscious of this change? How best are we preparing and taking advantage of our ever-changing yet exciting world?
Change in form. We change from small, helpless and restless kids to bigger and mature adults and then we grow old. Sometimes we are oblivious of these changes. When we are young, there are times we have this feeling that we’ll stay young forever. Getting old may seem ages away. Thus many youths make decisions and do things as though life will always remain the same. Are you a young, beautiful, sexy lady? You won’t remain like that forever. You won’t always be the hype of town or the most sought after single lady. The same applies to the men. Recognizing that change in form is inevitable in this changing world should move you to give more thought to your actions now. Some in school live their lives as though they will not graduate and change their location to a more brutal outside society. In our African society, a lot of premium is placed on marriage, family and kids. The road to achieving these goals starts when you are young. There is the best time for everything. Don’t get caught unawares by the changes we all undertake. Take good advantage of your present form and make a better deal for your future.
Change in behaviour. As kids, we were innocent. We were free to explore our surroundings and were not held accountable for our actions. ‘They are just kids’, others would say. As we grew older, we became more aware of our bodies, our surroundings and we were held more and more accountable for our actions. ‘Why are you behaving like kids?’ some would then say. These changes are challenged by the people around us, whether at home, in school, places of worship, social gatherings and at places of employment. We must recognize that just as the people around us evolve in their character formation, so do we. Very often, our experiences, background, and upbringing differs a lot from others. So, we never expect everyone to act in the same way but the fact is: everyone changes. No one stays static. The choice is either you change to become a more responsible, well-adjusted adult or you become irresponsible and mal-adjusted. There is no in-between. There is no sitting on the fence. If we are responsible and well-behaved and we don’t work hard to improve on ourselves and our values, we will lose it. For emphasis, anyone who is contented with who he/she is and does not make the conscious effort to be better and better at his/her positive attributes, will end up losing it. Our universe does not give room for stasis for long. It’s just like a new house. When it’s completed, it’s all beautiful. What if the owners say, ‘This house is so beautiful, let’s leave it as it is? No occupants. No maintenance.’ With time that once beautiful house will deteriorate. Even a beautiful damsel needs to improve on her looks: regular exercise, good nutrition, and good personal hygiene. All of these help her to be the pretty angel that she is. On the other hand, if she takes herself for granted and stay contented with the way she is, give her time, the beauty will fade rapidly. If our behaviour is as sweet as angelic beauty, let us not rest on our oars; work hard to make it shine more and more with pristine glory.
This is why we have reminders. Haven’t you wondered why we are often reminded of things we’ve known from childhood? Why do we receive reminders from the scriptures? Why are we often reminded on the TV, Radio and other broadcasting media of the dangers of smoking, STIs, etc and on the value of good hygiene, exercise, good nutrition and other healthy living lifestyles? It is because it’s been a well accepted fact that everyone has the capacity to change either for good or bad. It is not a matter of if, but when. So don’t scorn at reminders, rather use that time to soberly reflect on them and avail yourself the opportunity of been a better man or woman.
Change in beliefs. When I talk about beliefs, it’s not all about religious beliefs or doctrines however tempting that is. I’m talking about personal beliefs, superstitions, and cultural, traditional or social beliefs. I’m talking prevalent societal norms and values all of which are subject to change in our ever-changing world. A lot has changed: traditional beliefs in human sacrifices are changing in places like Benin, the killing of twins, and the caste system in the East are now things of the past. The maltreatment of sickle cell disease patients as ‘Ogbanjes’, and the horrific treatment handed down to people with heart failure or kidney failure as ‘witches’ as a result of the resultant body swelling they suffer, all of these is changing, albeit slowly. More and more people with mental illnesses are seeking help at psychiatric hospitals instead of going to traditional or religious homes where they are chained, flogged, branded and treated like animals. As a young lad, even though I had belief in God’s protection, I was in constant dread of ‘witches’. I thought that ‘witches’ were responsible for every misfortune. Road traffic accidents (RTAs) were often attributed to blood-thirsty ‘witches’. But a lot has changed over the years. I’ve come to realize that belief in the overwhelming power of ‘witches’ was bondage in itself. It’s very liberating when you don’t have to suspect everybody around you as being a ‘witch’. More and more persons are now taking personal responsibilities for their actions rather than blame it on ‘witches’. Bad roads, bad government and bad conduct of motorist are blamed for RTAs rather than superstitions.
Thanks to education, the media, science and the information age of the internet and other sources of public enlightenment, a lot is changing. In view of these changes, there is the need for us to re-evaluate our beliefs and value system. In times past, many placed high premium on having many wives and many children. It was viewed that the larger the family size, the more hands would be available to care for the family trade which was mainly farming. Some also opined that the larger the family, the higher the number that will survive. But a lot has changed. If in this modern era, a young man aspires to have many wives and many children, is he keeping up with the evolving world? Is he not retrogressive? Gone are the days when women take pride in giving birth at home or with local birth attendants. Now, more persons are aware that it is safer for women to deliver babies in the hospital. Is our psyche or mentality been shaped by archaic and superstitious beliefs? If u don’t catch-up and move along with recent trends, you will be left behind.
Change in knowledge. Knowledge is ever expanding and evolving. Lots of things have changed. Even now, some scientists are challenging long-held theories of older scientists like Albeit Einstein. Knowledge is growing fast and vast in all disciplines. Are you a professional? Are you keeping up-to-date with changes in your field? Are you a doctor that has been in the practice for years? Are you keeping up-to-date with the CPDs/CMEs, seminars and other educational avenues? Or do you cling to the old ways of doing things? Do you still prescribe drugs that are banned like novalgin/analgin? You can’t be content with what you know. You can not know enough. The brain deteriorates when it is not put to use. So learn something new, not just in your field but also in other areas. You can learn a new language. You can visit places that afford you the opportunities to learn more about nature. Listen to the news. Watch documentaries. Read the dailies and weeklies. Go online. Surf the net. Get into social networks. Interact with people all over the world. Get involved in something new. Challenge yourself to new heights. Get a new car. Get married. Have children. Do something good and exciting in your life. Remember, the world is not waiting for you. It’s like a long race. If u run ahead of others and you get to a point where you say, ‘I’m good’ and you stop, after a while every other person will run past you and you will end up in backward position. So don’t be content with what you are, get to know more and do more.
Change in love and friendship. This is the last but very crucial area I want to talk about. The friends you had in childhood are likely not the same friends you have now as an adult. We change friends when we move from primary to secondary schools. Same as when we get to tertiary institutions. Change of employment or our places of abode also affect our relationship with others. It is a natural course of events. These changes invariably affect our lives, our values, our attitudes and the romantic interest we share with others. People change. That is a fact you must recognize when you decide to get romantically involved with someone. It’s not because people are bad or they don’t care, but because there is a natural course of change; nobody stays the same. That is why true and enduring friendship that will ultimately lead to life-long commitments needs to stand the test of time. When you are in a relationship with someone, the relationship changes and evolve. It evolves either into a stronger and viable relationship or it deteriorates and collapses. No relationship stays stagnant. So, evolve with your relationship. Know the strengths of your partner and build on them, so he/she will change for the better. Know his/her weaknesses and show understanding. Allow time to pass. Never be in a hurry. See whether your compatibility is maintained as the relationship moves on. Don’t wait passively. Look for new and exciting ways to spice your relationship. Arrange for holidays, travel and visit places. Learn a new language. Learn a new game. Even if you are married, people still change in their matrimonial home. Having made life-long commitments, look for novel ways to uphold that commitment. Relationships don’t thrive on monotony, doing the same things in the same way every time. There’s always room for something new and different, yet worthy and fulfilling. Don’t let an outsider or a stranger do that for you. That could spell disaster for your relationship.
While minor changes we make everyday matters, of greater consequences are the major changes we make when we leave home for school, when we leave school for work, when we get married, when we travel out of the country for greener pastures, etc. The question is not whether we will change or whether the world around us will change, the real question is, how prepared are you to take advantage of such changes? How prepared are you to evolve in this ever-changing universe? Never be content with whom or what you are. Always strive to be a better ‘you’, because no matter how noble and lofty you are, you can get better. I’m not writing from the point of view of someone who has always made the right choices and changes; rather from the point of view of one who has made a lot of wrong choices and had witnessed first hand the ill-consequences of such changes. I’m no saint; neither are you. I don’t strive for sainthood; neither should you. All I ever strive for is to be a better person because God created all of mankind with the capacity to adapt favourably to the inevitable changes of life. There is a good in all of mankind. May we all consciously strive to improve in our little kindnesses, warm smiles, loving care, sense of humour, sense of belonging and companionship, and the little things that makes this earth a more lovable place to live in.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Word Play! (Using a word and its derivatives 10 times in a single sentence)

I’m so happy to say how happy I am seeing that you happily do things that bring joy and happiness to the hearts of others; I’m honoured to share this happy story to all who is a happy listener and I pray that your happiness knows no bounds and may the Heavens declare you: ‘Happy! Happy! Happy!’

Seeing how people love surprises makes me realize that surprise packages can have a surprisingly great effect on the recipient but I'm not surprised when some are surprised that I'm not surprised at what they thought was a surprise; in fact, they get overwhelmed by my lack of surprise and that just makes them wonder, 'Why the surprise surprise in the first place?'

Thursday 18 October 2012

Love in the Air!

The joy in my heart is visible
And my happiness palpable!
I reminisce with memories indelible
Of a friendship that blossomed to a love so adorable.
The hassles of life made it look unattainable
But you showed a resilience that's unassailable.
Oh, May your union be inviolable;
Baskets of blessings immeasurable!
And, May your nuptial knots be unbreakable,
Your vows irrevocable;
Your bond inseparable;
Your tender affections insatiable!
The tale of your love is ineffable;
The kind that the wisest sages found incomprehensible!
This moment earmarks the triumph of an incredible
Love fable
That makes the Canticles tenable.

It’s written with Heavenly inspiration:

‘There are three things
That are too amazing for me,
Four that I do not understand:
The way of an eagle in the sky
The way of a snake on a rock
The way of a ship on the high seas,
And the way of a man with a young woman’
[Proverbs. 30:18, 19 (NIV)]

Greetings as you walk down the aisle!

P.S This is a redacted version of a piece I wrote before. I’m posting this for you and you and you dear lovely friends, colleagues, old classmates and others who have the joys of saying ‘I do’ in the next few months. Even though I won’t be present in person and I can’t mention your names for sake of privacy, just so you know: I love you and you and you and may God bless your unions.


I am lost.
Lost, can I be found?
Lost in thought;
Lost in love;
Lost heart waiting for rescue!
Lost dream!
I had an angel, where is she?
Lost mine!
Lost my hearing!
Sing me a song.
Oh no, I can't hear!
Where am I?
O lost one,
Can I find my tent?
Have I lost my sight?
Save me my angel.
Take me in your wings.
Sing me a song.
Lead me home.

 (This piece was written long ago in a moment of sheer distress and great loss. I’m not a poet. I don’t follow literary rules. I just write what I feel inside just the way I like it. )