Tuesday 9 July 2013

Just a thought – Washing feet!

In the days of Jesus, there were no cars. Back then, most persons walk with their feet to their various destinations, however long it was. So, when you receive a visitor who must have trekked many kilometers to see you, one way of showing good hospitality and humility is by washing their feet and cleaning dust off their feet. But, in our days, there are cars everywhere both public and private. Now, imagine a man who dressed up at home, wore socks and shoes, entered his AC-tight car and drove to your place for a visit. No chance of encountering any dust whatsoever. Now, you want to show hospitality, you then went about removing his shoes and socks, bringing sponge, soap, water and towel to wash his feet because that was what Jesus did in his days. Aren't there other ways of showing hospitality and humility? Must you wash another man’s feet? If his body is so dirty, give him water to bath! Shuooooooooo (exclaims)!

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