Friday, 12 July 2013

#Whonamedit/Whomadeit (Who deserves more credit?)

Camper’s fascia is ‘the fatty part of the superficial fascia of the lower anterior abdominal wall.

Camper’s ligament is ‘the layer of fascia extending between the ischiopubic rami inferior to the sphincter urethrae and the deep transverse perineal muscle.

Named after Petrus Camper, ‘Dutch physician and anatomist, born May 11, 1722, Leiden; died April 7, 1789, The Hague.

So much for whom it was named after, what about who made it? Who deserves more credit? Even Professor Camper recognized that:

“…he was even appointed to the chairs of anatomy and surgery, an office illness prevented him from entering until April 28, 1750. The topic of his inaugural address – De mundo optimo – was living in the best possible world created by an omnipotent and benevolent God. He points to the fact of the enormous variety, both in living and non-living nature, which demonstrates the ordering power of the Supreme Being.” -

#Whonamedit/Whomadeit (Who deserves more credit?)

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