Friday 11 January 2013

A Joke a day keeps the doctor away! (11-01-13)

One rich man parked his brand new car by the roadside ostensibly to show off. One mad man nearby approached the car and used his stick to scratch the car.
The rich man screamed: ‘What! What did you do that for?’
Mad man: ‘You parked in my space.’
Rich man: ‘What, who gave you this space? You don’t even own a car. What rights have you to scratch my car? Do you know who I am?’
Mad man: ‘Of course, I know who you are. You are a mad man. Long time, no see!’
Rich man: 'God forbid. I don't know you. I've never met you before.'
Mad man: 'That's what we all say at first; we deny the obvious.'

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