Reflections (2) – A man who does not get angry!

Have you seen a man
who never ever gets angry at anything? It could mean one of four things:
1. He is foolish.
2. He is mentally challenged.
3. He is a con man. One who has something to hide!
4. He is evil in disguise: pure undiluted evil.
Make no mistake. He is not a good person. A good
person will be angry in the face of injustice, oppression, corruption, lies,
deceit and other vices. Who is a good person that won't be furious when cheated
on by his/her spouse? What kind of person won't get cross in light of a
betrayal, heartbreak, disappointment, rejection, and things of this sort? The
moment you don't get indignant in the face of the ills of this life, it could
mean one of the four things above. Don't get me wrong:
Psalms 4:4: 'Be agitated but do not sin.'
Eccl. 7:7: ' For mere oppression may make a wise
one act crazy'.
Eph. 4:24: 'Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the
sun not set with you in a provoked state'.
It's called righteous indignation.
Be leery of those who always agree with you, never
find any fault with what you do, and too cool to a fault. Don't keep a close friend
who would always agree with you. I get scared in a relationship when everything
is good and smooth. Too good to be true is a truism. Except one who is mentally
challenged, every man expresses his anger one way or the other. The man who
always keep his anger concealed in the sight of others will surely seek other
means to express it and those means are often more deadly. That's the kind of
man who doesn't get angry when he finds his spouse cheating on him only for the
spouse and the lover to turn up dead.
Please, when you're truly offended, express your
anger in a dignified manner. Pent-up anger is deadly. On the other hand, be
worried when you stop being angry at the ills of this world. It could mean you
are now cool with those ills.
It’s reasonable to argue that it’s wrong to be the irritable guy who is
always vexed on every issue. It’s also right to keep your cool in the face of
some challenging circumstances in order to maintain peace and order. Yet, there
is a balance that needs to be struck. Neither extreme is good: being irritable
or being overly passive. No one likes an irritable man; we don’t feel
comfortable around such a person. Yet, it’s a good thing when other people know
that you are not happy about certain things. Let it show in your emotions that
you are not OK with certain developments. You caught a man stealing your
properties in broad-day light. You are not going to smile at him. You are not
going to quietly dismiss it. You should express the appropriate emotion that will send him the right message: ‘That is my property, thief’! One of such emotions
is anger. Justifiable and responsible anger!
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