I Love Pidgin English Talk Talk (2)

Funny – Poor
Big Man!
E get people wen dey claim say dem get money and yet ground nor level. E get
people wen we dey see, we go think say dem get money die. My brother, all na
appearance o. If you wan know who really get money na time of emergency u go
E get one guy, d guy dey arrange. Get fine car. Get family. Everybody dey
respect d guy say ‘men, dis guy is loaded ooo’. Na so one day, d pikin dey sick, dem rush d pikin go hospital. D pikin
come need surgery. Dem say make d father drop one huge amount down as deposit
now now now. Na dat time we know say thins nor easy. Na so d guy start, ‘em em
eh eh… pls, can u wait till d end of d month?’ dem tell am say, na emergency, d
money is needed urgent. My guy dey sweat. D guy pick phone to call em fellow
big men:
“Hello John! How’s d family? Please, can u help
with ….?.... No, I need it today… oh… oh… ok.. I understand.. u know it’s not
easy.. ok”
“Hello Peter! How’s business? Abeg, my pikin dey
hospital I need ….. no, na today I need am… oh, ur wife just put to birth? Oh I didn’t
“Hello Paul! How body? O boy, e get one big wahala
I dey na, my pikin nor well and I need … today.. u know say business get as e
be now…. Oh… oh oh, u re traveling to US next week?... Oh.. Ok I understand..
Visa wahala and d rest”
Na so my guy dey call em fellow big men, no show… d
money for Account nor reach. Na dat time we know say na poor big man e be. If
emergency come, and u nor get kobo for hand and u dey tell urself say u be big
man, na lie, na poor man u be o. If na month end u dey wait b4 money dey hand
like civil servant and u dey call urself big man, my guy na poverty be dat o.
If u dey claim big man and u nor dey save money for account, o man, if kasala
burst and u need money now now now, o man na embarrassment be dat o. U wen get
family for house, nor dey form big man dey buy flashy things and u nor get
savings for account o, bcos on a bad day, wind go blow and fowl yanch go open
o. Make God bless us so dat we go dey save for emergencies. My brother na so I
see am oooooooooo!
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