Saturday 12 January 2013

A Joke a day keeps the doctor away! (12-01-13)

Folks! When you fall asleep; it’s like when a computer or phone is put off. When you wake up; it’s like when a computer or phone is put back on. It will take a while to boot. While booting, d system can’t work effectively. Likewise, when we wake up from sleep, it will take a while for our brains to boot. For some their brains boot faster than others. It also depends on how u woke up: suddenly or gradually. The slower you wake up, the more efficient the booting. The story goes like so:

There was this university undergraduate (I nor call person name ooo) who was preparing for exams. A night to the exam, he studied late into the night. He slept very late (Brain was fagged out.) Exam was to start 8am. My guy woke up by 9am. Listen:

(Brain still booting) He stood up. ‘Waoh! I need to read for my exams tomorrow’ He carried his book and started reading. (His mates were almost half-way into d exams he was reading for)

(Brain still booting) ‘Uhmmm! Let me cram this area of concentration (AOC) that our lecturer gave us.

(Brain finished booting. He then remembered.) ‘O MY GOD! Today is d day of d exam. O mine. What! It’s 9:15am and exam ought to start by 8am. Oh no. Nooooooo!’

He then rushed to d exam hall. Don’t ask me how it ended. Just tell ‘am’: ‘sorry.’

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