Jokes in Pidgin English (4) – Asking coded questions!

E get people wen dey like to ask 4 thins indirectly. I wonder why. If u re in
need of something, why not go straight to d point and ask for it. E.g. E get
one guy wen dey look 4 money to borrow. So, dis guy see em colleague for em
work place, instead of asking directly, d guy say: 'Na waoo. Thins hard o. I
wish man pikin (3rd person narrative)
fit see person wen go borrow am 5K, e for better
D colleague reply: 'Na wa o. These days, thins hard
o. Man pikin just dey manage ooo.'
D question now is, 'na who be man pikin?' Wat is
wrong wit, 'I'm broke. Pls, can u help me wit 5k? I'll pay u back.'
E get some people wen dem dey hungry and no money
for hand, instead of asking directly, dem go say loudly to themselves to d
hearing of others: 'Na waoo. D way my belle dey do me since morning, i nor
understand o. (wetin u nor understand? U re hungry na.) Na where man pikin fit
greeje (chop/eat) dis afternoon?' My people, is dis man asking for help? What
is wrong with, 'Can u pay for my lunch; I’m hungry and I’m broke.'
Someone closed frm work. No transport money to go
home. D guy dey talk to himself in d presence of others: 'oh ooo. How man fit
reach house today? Pocket dry. I wish I go see free ride home.' Pls, has this
man asked for help? What is wrong with, 'Can u give me a lift? Can u help me
with transport?'
One man went out with d girlfriend. After eating in
a very expensive restaurant, they passed by a boutique. D girl saw one nice
dress on display. She said: 'OMG, look at that lovely dress. So beautiful,
honey, do u think it will look fine on me?'
Man: Yes, I think so.
Lady: Honey, let me go inside and try it on to see
if it's my size.
Man: No problem, when u re thru, meet me at home.
Lady: Honey, ain't u going to stay wit me while I
try it on.
Man: Sorry, I can't. Looks like I have stomach
upset from d food I ate. I need to be home ASAP.
My people, all these effizy and talk from d lady
could have bn summarized in one simple statement: 'Honey, I love dat dress. Can
I have it?' Shikena!
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