Tuesday 1 January 2013

A Joke a Day Keep the Doctor away (01-01-13)!

One Professor of Botany loved teaching about the forest. He told his students that he loves the forest because when he’s in the forest surrounded by beautiful trees, he’s one with nature. Unfortunately, Prof was kidnapped by unknown assailants and he was kept in a thick forest for some days before he was released. When he got back to school, he related his ordeal to his students. At the end of the lecture, a student asked him,
‘Sir, when you were in that forest surrounded by beautiful trees, were you at one with nature?’
Prof replied,
‘What’s your name? Are you stupid? What kind of question is that? I’ll make sure you carry this course over?’
My people, did the Professor answer the question? Nature ko, nature ni… Prof was at one with fire….


Unknown said...

He was with the reality of life

Dr Eugene Ojirigho said...

Well said!