Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Commonality of Humanity; the Things that make us ONE! (1) – Sleep!

Today has been awesome. We pray that tomorrow will be better. Life with all its intrigues, complexities, struggles and all sorts. No matter what you've done throughout today: school, work, play, dance, you name it, at the end of the day we all share the same fate. We get exhausted, worn out and as night falls we drag ourselves to sleep. The commonalities of humanity! One of the things that makes us the same, black or white, rich or poor, learned or not, after all the struggles, we get fagged out and when the sun sets and night comes, we all look for a place to lay down our head to sleep. The very few who can't lie down and sleep will come down with all sorts of illnesses. There is no group or class or caste of humans who do not fall down to sleep. Even the animals fall asleep. It's universal. It's one proof that we all were created by one Mind, one God. Sleep is a gift from God. It's not a waste of time as some would have you believe. It's like eating food, drinking water, and breathing in air. It's part of our wonderful make-up. Have you seen a newborn baby, after the initial cries and squirming, he lies down peacefully to sleep. How adorable they look in their sleep! Precious in deed! I thank God for this amazing gift. May we wake up tomorrow refreshed for a brand new day!

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