The Commonality of Humanity; the Things that make us ONE! (2) – Our Birth!

Sometimes, we place so much emphasis on what sets us apart; the focus is always
on what makes a group of people different from others. As a result we forget
that we have so much in common: the commonalities of humanity. Starting
yesterday (written some time ago, i'm republishing it), I began this new series to highlight the things that make us one.
This is part 2.
Every human being on earth today was conceived and
given birth to naturally or was delivered through a surgical procedure. There
is no human alive who just materialized from nowhere. No one came to life by
binary fission of the parents or by chemical concoction in a science lab. We
were all born. We all are the product of the union of an egg and a sperm;
whether this union took place naturally or in a tube. We all developed to full
form in a human abdomen and at the length of time we were born or extracted
into this world as living humans.
In discussing the use of an ultrasound in
determining the age of a pregnancy (gestational age), Dr Anthony O. Marinho, a
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist wrote in the book, ‘Contemporary
Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Developing Countries’ edited by Prof. Okonofua
and Dr. Odunsi (Page 31): “Ultrasound is most accurate early in pregnancy when
most fetuses are the same size of age regardless of sex, race, genetic,
nutritional and other environmental factors. Later in the pregnancy, these
factors cause babies conceived in the same day by different couples to have
different biometric measurements.” What this implies is that at conception and
in the early stages of life, we were all the same size irrespective of who we
are or where we came from.
Why is that important to my discourse? It does not
matter whether my parents were rich or poor, black or white, tall or short,
educated or illiterate, able or disabled; I was not different from others at
conception and at the early stage of my life. Yes, later on, life happened and
I changed more and more to reflect my heritage, my upbringing and the
environment I lived in. Nevertheless, at the point where life began, at the
beginning of the beginning, we looked just the same. The next time someone
looks down on you because you are not as endowed as he/she is, don’t despair.
Just remember: we all came from the same place and traveled the same route and
then life (which was beyond our control) happened.
This is testimony to the fact that we were created
by one Mind, one God. We are not a product of some random evolutionary
mischief. 7 billion people on earth today came to life through the same
process. That is not chance. That is a product of a deliberate action; the
realization of one set of ideals, one set of goals, one set of visions and one
purpose. Indeed, One Creator!
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